If you or a loved one is struggling with drug addiction, finding the right treatment can be hard. This article provides an in-depth look at top-rated drug addiction treatment offered at Recreate Ohio. We’ll cover what these treatments involve, from detox to inpatient and outpatient programs, and how they can pave the way for recovery.

Key Takeaways

  • Recreate Ohio offers a comprehensive addiction treatment approach, including medically supervised detox, and inpatient treatment services also addressing other mental health conditions when needed always tailored to individual needs.
  • Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is an important option to be aware of in managing withdrawal symptoms and cravings, improving recovery rates when combined with behavioral therapies.
  • Family involvement as well as family therapy sessions as needed and ongoing support through aftercare programs are helpful for maintaining sobriety and the overall recovery process.

Understanding Drug Addiction

Drug Addiction and Its Effects on Individuals | Recreate Ohio

Substance use disorder, commonly referred to as drug addiction, is a chronic and intricate disease characterized by compulsive engagement in substance use despite detrimental consequences. This condition is often classified as a brain disorder given its profound effects on neural circuits associated with reward and self-regulation. People grappling with severe drug abuse or alcohol abuse might be facing an addiction.

A person with an addiction will tend to experience intense physical urges and diminished control over their actions, leading them down the path of persistent drug-seeking behaviors. The probability of falling into such addictive patterns can be influenced by multiple factors that span from biological influences to environmental conditions.

The impact of addiction extends across both psychological well-being and bodily health. Individuals addicted to substances typically persist in their use even at great personal risk or harm to those around them. Certain routes for taking drugs—like smoking or injection—can heighten the substance’s potential for dependency, underlining the importance of prompt and potent intervention strategies. With roughly 20 million people struggling with substance use disorders within America alone, there’s a pressing demand for specialized treatment options tailored toward these complex cases.

It’s important not only clinically but also socially – to acknowledge that addiction represents not just individual shortcomings but necessitates proper medical attention and a treatment plan if one hopes for successful recovery outcomes.

Being able to offer meaningful and comprehensive help to people wanting to face their drug abuse and the chronic disease of addiction through proven methods is at the core of treating substance use disorder at Recreate Behavioral Health of Ohio.

Comprehensive Treatment Approaches

Comprehensive Treatment Approaches for Addiction | Recreate Ohio

Effective treatment for addiction necessitates a multifaceted approach tailored to each individual’s distinctive needs. At Recreate Behavioral Health of Ohio, we provide an extensive spectrum of care that includes medically supervised detox, inpatient services, and support for various outpatient programs. The level of support options guarantees that patients receive the necessary level of attention to begin their recovery.

At Recreate Ohio, our focus is on providing personalized care by designing treatment plans specifically crafted for the individual’s needs and requirements. Our treatment programs offer personal and group counseling, educational group sessions, and family therapy as needed to help a person learn how to live sober and enjoy recovery from drugs and alcohol addiction.

Structured activities form part of the daily regimen at Recreate Ohio, incorporating group discussions along with one-on-one counseling and integrative holistic therapies aimed at overall wellness. The initiation into these comprehensive approaches to treatment often begins with carefully managing symptoms of withdrawal for those who need the detox process.

Detoxification Process

Inpatient treatment commences with a detoxification program that purges the body of addictive substances. This step is for safely discontinuing substance abuse, which at Recreate Ohio includes thorough medical evaluations, constant management of withdrawal symptoms, and nutritional assistance to promote health.

Recreate Ohio provides an array of specialized detox programs designed for individuals struggling with various substances such as alcohol and opioids. To alleviate physical withdrawal discomforts and support patients through their detox journey, medically assisted treatment and medication management are part of the medical aspect of these programs.

The foundation for significant psychological recovery during the course of inpatient care is set by educating patients on how both their mental and physical states evolve throughout the process of detoxification.

Inpatient Treatment Programs

Recreate Ohio’s inpatient care programs are designed to provide round-the-clock support within a structured and controlled setting. The primary objective of these treatment programs is to build sustainable recovery, initiate the detox process, and effectively manage symptoms associated with withdrawal. Each patient benefits from an individualized approach to treatment, courtesy of a dedicated team comprised of medical professionals such as psychiatrists, nurses, patient care assistants, and additional healthcare staff.

The therapeutic community created within inpatient programs places significant emphasis on connection with others, which helps coping skills for prolonged recovery and peer support. Staff diligently ensure that patients establish a foundation for maintaining sobriety. Simple openness to answer questions helps develop trust and an understanding of substance use issues that someone may not understand, by tackling the unique challenges and withdrawal experiences related to each specific person and substance a targeted and efficient treatment plan is created.

Following inpatient therapy, many individuals proceed along their path by engaging with outpatient services which allow them to continue back into everyday life while still receiving essential support through scheduled treatment sessions.

Outpatient Programs

In Gahanna Ohio, Recreate Behavioral Health of Ohio partners with outpatient program options designed to align with individuals’ personal and professional obligations while they pursue continued treatment.

Assisting a person to their next level of care encompasses both a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) as well as an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), each dependent upon the care requirements of the individual.

Partial Hospitalization Program

A partial hospitalization program delivers a rigorous regimen of daily therapy lasting up to six hours across five to seven days per week – an intensive level of support mirroring that found in residential treatment facilities yet without the need for an overnight stay.

Intensive Outpatient Program

With a less demanding schedule, an intensive outpatient program caters to those who seek significant therapeutic involvement but must also tend to life’s duties. It runs three-hour sessions between three and five times weekly. Those enrolled in these programs take part in structured therapy and join support groups as integral elements on their path toward recovery, all while integrating such progress into their routine living situations.

Medication Management

Acknowledging medication management is another important component within the substance use disorder framework on an outpatient basis —it plays an important role in successful outcomes. Complete abstinence from drugs and alcohol is often accomplished before discharge from inpatient or residential treatment. However, some individuals continue to have cravings or long-lasting symptoms from their withdrawal, medication management helps these individuals with a specific medication regimen coupled with meeting with an addiction-trained doctor or psychiatrist.

Healing from addiction and mental health requires a treatment plan for substance use disorder that incorporates all levels of care.

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)

Dual Diagnosis Treatment for Addiction and Mental Health Disorders | Recreate Ohio

The utilization of Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) is so valuable in the management of withdrawal symptoms and reducing cravings. It plays a significant role in aiding recovery by stabilizing brain function and mitigating the physical distress linked to drug cessation. Medically assisted treatment is specifically for combating opioid addiction, medications such as buprenorphine, methadone, and naltrexone are prescribed. These interact with opioid receptors to curb the euphoric effects associated with opioids thereby lowering chances for misuse.

Although these medications are often used for MAT in addiction treatment facilities, methadone is rarely an option in inpatient treatment. Some outpatient clinics that are specifically for opioids have a specific protocol for methadone. Recreate Ohio does not offer methadone as a MAT option.

Although MAT isn’t a standalone cure for drug addiction, it greatly assists in reducing cravings by enabling patients to concentrate on therapy sessions and their personal development journey. The therapeutic use of medications within MAT proves essential for diminishing cravings and creating an opportunity to address relapse compulsion —both critical elements to address on a person’s road to recovery.

During the detoxification phase of inpatient treatment where medical oversight is 24/7 addressing withdrawal indicators safely is imperative. At Recreate Ohio, we follow the best practices outlined by the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM). These treatment protocols are strictly followed addressing drug abuse and alcohol abuse with how physical symptoms are presented and how the medical team addresses discomfort.

Integrating Medication-Assisted Treatment with behavioral therapies has shown remarkable efficacy outcomes—a testament reflected through reduced instances of recurrence amongst those treated versus those solely undergoing behavioral therapy intervention.

This dual strategy within addiction treatment equips individuals with options and coping mechanisms to help navigate life free from substance use and dependence.

Behavioral Therapies for Addiction

Behavioral Therapies for Addiction | Recreate Ohio

Behavioral therapy and counseling are a large part of treating drug addiction. At Recreate Ohio, there is an integration of holistic methods with therapies grounded in scientific evidence to address both the mental and physical facets of a person diagnosed with substance use disorder. One notably effective therapy in altering thought patterns associated with substance use is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT).

Through Motivational Interviewing another type of therapeutic approach, individuals are supported through looking at any conflicted feelings about their drug use, aiding them to confront and work through uncertainty.

Every patient at Recreate Behavioral Health of Ohio speaks with the clinical team for an in-depth assessment of any mental health conditions. Numerous people grappling with substance use disorders may concurrently suffer from underlying psychological issues.

The team at Recreate Ohio understands addiction treatment and mental health. Some may suffer from both while others suffer from one or the other. Many times the devastating effects of a substance use disorder can present as a mental health condition and be cleared up once the substances are removed. Similarly, for some drug use has been actually medicating an underlying mental health disorder condition.

These behavioral assessments help guide the treatment team and individual to develop the best treatment plan of action.

For those diagnosed with co-occurring disorders, personalized behavioral treatment strategies are indispensable to ensure a complete approach within dual diagnosis care plans.

Dual Diagnosis Treatment

Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) | Recreate Ohio

Recreate Ohio’s dual diagnosis treatment concurrently addresses substance abuse disorders, mental health conditions, and additional psychological ailments to amplify the success of overall therapy. By implementing cohesive strategies that merge a team’s expertise to simultaneously manage both types of disorders, patient participation and therapeutic outcomes are significantly enhanced. Integrated treatment models endorsed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) have been acknowledged as effective for managing co-occurring disorders.

With around-the-clock medical assistance and state-of-the-art therapeutic methods on offer, Recreate Ohio specializes in both addiction issues and mental health complexities. Recognizing the importance of the link between mental well-being and substance use challenges, Recreate Ohio delivers all-encompassing care tailored to address every facet of an individual’s requirements. This comprehensive method of recovery for patients is one of our unique assets. Our clinical team works to help each person truly find the treatment plan to help them meet their goals.

Family Involvement in Recovery

The involvement of the family is encouraged. Not all families can participate and some do not have a family or a relationship with family members they would invite, but for those who can, it is encouraged. Treatment can be delivered through personal therapy, group sessions, and the inclusion of family support. Sessions designed for family therapy are instrumental in mending issues and beginning to repair damage caused by substance use.

Recreate Ohio integrates families into the treatment by educating families on what to expect during their loved drug addiction treatment as well as what to expect upon discharge, so they are better prepared to offer support.

Support Systems and Aftercare

Participation in self-help groups, counseling services, and alumni programs is suggested for sustained recovery. Evidence suggests that involvement in such aftercare programs decreases the likelihood of relapse compared to those who do not engage with these supports. Typically provided for three to six months post-treatment, this supportive care can be extended as necessary to bolster ongoing recovery efforts.

The importance of community backing through peer mentorship cannot be overstated within the context of aftercare. An important part of staying sober and of behavioral therapy interventions focuses on preventing relapse. Every person finds their own techniques needed to preserve their sobriety after treatment completion.

Active participation in self-help communities plays an instrumental role in mitigating feelings of guilt and seclusion amongst people undergoing the healing process from addiction.

Why Choose Recreate Ohio for Addiction Treatment

Situated in the vicinity of Columbus, Oh, in the city of Gahanna, Recreate Behavioral Health of Ohio is a facility dedicated to addiction treatment. The center is a safe and nurturing environment conducive to helping individuals on reclaiming control over their lives. With most major health insurance benefits accepted at Recreate Ohio, the program also offers various alternative payment solutions such as self-payment methods and financing plans.

With an emphasis on providing an all-encompassing and empathetic drug addiction treatment experience and addressing mental health concerns, Recreate Ohio adopts a comprehensive approach to substance use and recovery management. At its core lies the philosophy of individualized treatment strategies – no two people are alike – with the aim of each person leaving understanding their substance use disorder and having a plan to meet their goals and stay sober.

The tailored care strategies formulated by Recreate Ohio prioritize patient sobriety along with relapse prevention tactics and enhanced general well-being. Recreate Ohio integrates conventional therapeutic modalities alongside holistic activities within its model of care.

Preparing for Treatment at Recreate Ohio

In preparation for drug addiction treatment at Recreate Ohio, there are key procedures to follow. Patients will have met in person, spoken over the phone, or met virtually to be sure all finances and insurance have been handled so that when walking in the door, the cost of treatment and what expenses they will be responsible for will have been addressed so paperwork can be swiftly handled. Come with a list of current medications along with any pertinent medical documents that could inform a more complete approach to care. Lastly, the best contact phone numbers for emergency contacts and people who will be contacted by staff members.

To mitigate feelings of unease, understanding each aspect of the treatment procedure is beneficial. Thus patients are strongly advised to engage actively by asking questions during their initial assessment period. Being thoroughly prepared contributes significantly to the ease into the program.


Drug addiction is recognized as a complex, chronic disease necessitating multi-faceted and personalized treatment strategies. Recreate Behavioral Health of Ohio provides an extensive range of care options, spanning detox to both inpatient residential and supportive outpatient programs, tailored to the specific needs of each individual’s recovery journey. Both medication-assisted Treatment (MAT) and behavioral therapies are integral for easing withdrawal symptoms and the mental facets tied to addiction.

The involvement of family members coupled with support networks stands is a vital aspect of recovery. The combination of Recreate Ohio’s all-encompassing care positions it at the forefront for those seeking drug addiction treatment in the vicinity of Columbus, Ohio.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the treatment approach at Recreate Behavioral Health of Ohio?

At Recreate Behavioral Health of Ohio, a patient-centered treatment methodology is applied, concentrating on various therapies and support that are customized for different addiction and mental health disorders.

Does Recreate Ohio accept insurance for treatment?

Yes, Recreate Behavioral Health of Ohio accepts most major health insurance plans.

What types of programs does Recreate Ohio provide?

Recreate Ohio offers a variety of programs including detox and inpatient residential treatment, as well as primary mental health care.
These comprehensive options cater to different needs for mental health and substance use disorders.

How does Recreate Ohio support long-term recovery?

Recreate Ohio supports long-term recovery by providing alumni programs and events for a sense of connection and ongoing support for former patients.

What is required before acceptance to Recreate Ohio’s facility?

Before acceptance to Recreate Ohio’s facility, complete data must be submitted to ensure proper patient treatment with compassionate care.



